by lauraM | Jan 14, 2016 | Offerings, SVT Prevention |
You are sensitive. Your energy is sensitive. Maybe more so than you have realized or acknowledged up until now. When you have an accelerated heart diagnosis, your heart is speaking to you. We can’t just quiet it down with medication or ablation. Maybe we can, but...
by lauraM | Oct 30, 2015 | Emotional & Spiritual, SVT Prevention |
Hey Loves, My Friday posts have become super easy lately because I feel so inspired after my Thursday chats with you all in the private facebook group. If you haven’t popped over there yet, I am there live every Thursday at 2pm EST to answer your questions and...
by lauraM | Mar 10, 2015 | Emotional & Spiritual |
The last few weeks have been tough for me. Today I made a decision to trust my feelings on something that just hasn’t felt right. The action step I needed to do was to not accept an offer that someone was making me that didn’t feel right. I kept rationalizing it my...